On Plotting: intentional versus unintentional creative thinking time (#IWSG Blog Hop)

A creative writing teacher gave my class some advice I’ll never forget: when it comes to story ideas, it’s best to ride around on the bus with it. In other words, take time to process and decide if it’s the best story and/or story direction. In my mind, there are two types of riding-around-on-the-bus-with-it: intentional and unintentional. Click the title above to continue reading.

5 successful authors discuss daily word count goals

As a first-time NaNoWriMo participant—the worldwide community of writers who subject themselves to bleeding 1,667 words a day or 50,000 words total during the month of November—I was confused about how to keep up the pace the rest of the year. And should I? I asked five successful authors to discuss their year-round strategy and was surprised by the differences and flexibility in approaches. Click the title above to continue reading.

NaNoWriMo 2016 Blog & Social Media Hop

If you’ve read even one article on book promotion, you’re familiar with the term “author platform”, which is basically your marketing reach. It’s how you’ll promote your books, especially online. So, let’s build our platforms together! Add your blog and social media pages in the form below, and I’ll send it out to every participant at the end of NaNoWriMo 2016. Then we’ll follow one another’s pages. Click the title above to continue reading.