How to spice up setting with an event (#IWSG blog hop)

In Jessica Strawser’s debut Almost Missed You, two characters have a life-changing date at Cincinnati’s Lumenocity, an orchestra-curated light-show. Anyone remember the scene when Harrison Ford’s Richard Kimble slips into Chicago’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade to evade pursuers? How much more exciting does Pride and Prejudice become once the Bennett sisters have a ball to look forward to? Some of these events are more integral to plot than others, but all of them make the stories they’re included in more interesting as a result. Click the title above to continue reading.

Is your next story research light or intensive? #AuthorToolboxBlogHop

The considerations involved in writing either a research light or research intensive story include: whether your research can be accomplished mainly through primary or secondary sources; how accessible the sources are; and how much time will be spent researching. Click the title above to continue reading.